Our Toddler classrooms, known as Pre-Primary, are specifically designed to meet the appropriate developmental needs of the children. These young students have a very strong sense of order and a great desire for independence and self-direction. The Pre-Primary classrooms are carefully prepared with these needs in mind, allowing the child to explore and learn in a secure and loving environment.
18 - 36 mos

The children have freedom to learn any time they desire
The learning environment is carefully created so the children can interact with the materials throughout the entire day, upon arriving to school, during the formal lesson block, and in the afternoon after naps and outside time. In some classes, the presence of native Spanish speakers encourages the same lessons – but in another language!

Lessons in Pre-Primary are intended to inspire growth
Many lessons in Pre-Primary are centered in practical life and sensorial, covering how to help at home and how to understand certain experiences with touch, smell, and taste. Students are also introduced to foundational math and language lessons, building upon earlier concepts. Toilet training also begins in this classroom.

It's where independence finds it's meaning in the student
Children learn from their teachers to independently choose lessons, move the lesson to a work area, complete the lesson, and return it back to where it belongs, developing the capacity to concentrate for longer periods of time, succeed by replicating lessons they’ve been presented, and master them through repetition.